November has Flown by!

November 24, 2015
Wow!! November is almost over already!  How did this happen!?

Well here's a recap of our month...

First off, we celebrated Veteran's Day by learning about the Veterans who serve/have served our wonderful country!

If you didn't know already, my big brother, Adam, is proudly serving our country in the United States Navy.  He's been in the Navy for over 10 years.  He is currently serving in Lemoore, California as a Legalman.  He did two tours in Afghanistan, and lived in Japan during his ten years.

Anywho, we set ourselves up to interview him over Facetime.  The kiddos wrote their questions to ask Adam during the interview.  Some questions included, "What is your Navy name?" and "Where have you been in the Navy?"

The day of Veteran's Day, we were very excited to video chat with Adam (aka Mr. Schulze).  Sidenote: the kids got such a big kick out of "Mr. Schulze"...I'm pretty sure they think everyone, including my family calls me Ms. Schulze haha!  Anyways, after a few technical difficulties, we got video chat up and running!  Thank you Google Hangout!

We invited two other first grade classes who were free and any admin that were available.  The interview was a success!  The kids learned a lot,  and I think my brother really enjoyed the experience.  The best part was after the interview, the kids sang him a Thank You song!  Oh My Gee!! Such a sweet moment!  I wish I could figure out how to upload videos to share that with you! 

That afternoon, to wrap up our lessons, the kiddos wrote thank you letters to Veterans.  Some kiddos chose family members who have passed away, and some even wrote to Adam.  Very meaningful day!

Another thing to happen in November was the devastating attacks on Paris.  We talked a little about what happened.  The kiddos created French flags and cut them into hearts.  We hung them up in the window with a french sentence "Paris, nos coeurs sont avec vous."  which translates to, "Paris, our hearts are with you."

We ended the month with learning about the first Thanksgiving.  The kiddos loved learning about how different things were in the past.  Here are a few things we learned about during the week!

On a personal note, I started off my Thanksgiving break attending the wedding of one of my first teacher friends!  It was a great time to catch up with former co-workers and see a beautiful wedding at Houma's House Plantation in Louisiana!  
Congrats Haley and Aaron!

I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving with friends and family!
Gobble Gobble!

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